Help Panel
Having trouble with SketchUp? Check the Help panel for links to all sorts of useful information including:

- What's New - View information on the latest updates to SketchUp for iPad.
- SketchUp Videos - A library of videos covering a wide range of topics including SketchUp for iPad basics, tools, and features.
- SketchUp Help Center - A link to the SketchUp Help Center. Tapping this option opens the Help Center in your device's preferred browser.
- SketchUp Forums - A link to the SketchUp Community Forums. Tapping this option opens the forums in your device's preferred browser.
- FAQs - A link to some frequently asked questions and resources to help you answer them.
- Contact Us - Opens the User Feedback form. Use this form to submit any questions you couldn't find the answer to or let us know any concerns.