SketchUp for Web's Expanded Toolset

At the bottom of the Main Toolbar you'll see . Choosing that icon opens the Expanded Toolset where you can find the rest of your tools.


When you use a tool from the Expanded Toolset that tool appears in one of the slots at the bottom of the Main Toolbar. You can customize the Main Toolbar to add additional slots.

The Expanded Toolset contains the following tools:

IconTool NameShortcutLearn More 
LassoShift-SpaceSelecting Geometry 
Sample Material Applying Colors, Photos, Materials, and Textures 
CircleC Drawing Basic Shapes
2-Point ArcA Drawing Arcs
Arc Drawing Arcs 
Polygon Drawing Basic Shapes 
3-Point Arc Drawing Arcs 
Pie Drawing Arcs 
Freehand Drawing Freehand Shapes 
Rotated Rectangle Drawing Basic Shapes 
3D Text Adding Text, Labels, and Dimensions to a Model 
OffsetFOffsetting a Line from Existing Geometry 
Follow Me Extruding with Follow Me 
Flip Flipping, Mirroring, Rotating and Arrays 
Outer Shell Modeling Complex 3D Shapes with the Solid Tools 
Intersect Solid Modeling Complex 3D Shapes with the Solid Tools 
Union Solid Modeling Complex 3D Shapes with the Solid Tools 
Subtract Solid Modeling Complex 3D Shapes with the Solid Tools 
Trim Solid Modeling Complex 3D Shapes with the Solid Tools 
Split Solid Modeling Complex 3D Shapes with the Solid Tools 
Dimension Adding Text, Labels, and Dimensions to a Model 
Protractor Measuring Angles and Distances to Model Precisely 
Axes Adjusting the Drawing Axes 
Text Label Adding Text, Labels, and Dimensions to a Model 
Create Section Adding Text, Labels, and Dimensions to a Model 
Tag Controlling Visibility with Tags 
ZoomZViewing a Model 
Zoom ExtentsCtrl+Shift+EViewing a Model 
Zoom WindowShift + WViewing a Model 
Position Camera Walking through a Model 
Look Around Walking through a Model 
Walk Walking through a Model 
Diffusion SketchUp Diffusion 
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