SketchUp 的「實體」工具可將兩個形狀合併,或以某個形狀裁剪另一個形狀,藉此建立新形狀,因此能輕鬆製作出輪廓或細工模型。注意:「實體工具」也包含在 Web 版 SketchUp 的 Go 訂閱中。如需深入瞭解 Go 訂閱提供的功能,請參閱 SketchUp 訂閱。在 SketchUp 中,實體是具備有限封閉體積的任何 3D 模型(元件或群組)。SketchUp 實體不得有任何缺口(缺少表面,或表面未於邊緣相連)。以下影像包含數個實體。
Dear Customers,
Our offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
During this time, our customer service and support teams will not be available. We will resume our regular business hours and operations on Tuesday.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
The SketchUp Team