匯入或建立您自己的地形之後,您可能會想在模型中新增實體。Stamp(壓印)工具 () 和 Drape(投影)工具 () 能幫您將那些實體新增並整合至您已新增的地形中。壓印「壓印」工具能在地形上建立平面,該平面形狀將與您想放在地形上的實體底部相符。「壓印」工具能建立表面,再將新物件流暢轉移到周圍的地形。
Dear Customers,
Our offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
During this time, our customer service and support teams will not be available. We will resume our regular business hours and operations on Tuesday.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
The SketchUp Team