PreDesign Log In Assistance
Help logging into PreDesign
PreDesign is a web-app that is accessed by logging in using a Trimble ID. The Trimble ID should be the same used for any other Trimble products, including SketchUp and Trimble connect.
Please read all the information below before contacting support with login issues.
Obtaining a Trimble ID
It’s free to create a Trimble ID. This article provides step-by-step information on how a Trimble ID is created once you have the login window open if you haven’t got one already.
Getting Access to PreDesign
Not all Trimble IDs will have access to PreDesign. To have access to PreDesign, one of the following needs to apply to your Trimble ID:
- Your Trimble ID is associated with an active Pro or Studio subscription (including Students who have purchased Studio);
- Your Trimble ID is associated with an active Studio Trial;
- Your Trimble ID is associated with an active Sefaira account and has access via that account
- Your company has an Enterprise agreement with SketchUp, and your Trimble ID has the same email domain as the email domains associated with that company.
The following users do not have access to PreDesign without one of the above.
- Shop subscribers
- Free users
- Classic license holders (even if up-to-date on Maintenance and Support)
- Network licenses
- Education users who are given access via license keys
Troubleshooting if you think you should have access
Check what your ID is entitled to
The most common problem logging in is people using a different email address to their Trimble ID to login. Check that the one you’re using is the one you entitled your account with!
This link takes you to your apps page and lets you identify the products associated with your Trimble ID.
This will show you whether you have any subscriptions, whether they are active, and which products are included in them.
If your apps page does not show you as having access to PreDesign, it's possible you can still access PreDesign if you are in an Enterprise or Sefaira managed account.
Users in SketchUp Enterprise accounts
Many larger firms have enterprise arrangements with SketchUp. In these accounts, your administrator may have been automatically updating SketchUp’s desktop product on your computer and you may have not needed a Trimble ID to use SketchUp.
If you work at one of these accounts, you will automatically get access to PreDesign if you use an email for your Trimble ID that has the same domain as those whitelisted for that account.
The email domain is everything in your email address after the @ sign. So for example if Big Arch Corp was an enterprise account, and everyone there had work email addresses in the form of [email protected], then you should get access as long as you are logging in with an email ending in
This is why if you have logged in with a personal email address (for example you will not get access.
If you think you are using a Trimble ID with the correct email domain for your firm and you are not able to login, please contact support.
Sefaira users in managed accounts
If you are a Sefaira user in a managed account (where an admin can assign and reassign licenses between a large pool of users) then you will need to have Sefaira assigned to you to access PreDesign.
If you can log into Sefaira but cannot log into PreDesign, please contact support.