• Trimble Connect and SketchUp work together to help you access and modify cloud-based models. When you save a model to Trimble Connect from SketchUp for Desktop, changes are saved and available to teammates or other stakeholders who access that file through Trimble Connect. This means your teammates and stakeholders can view or modify your models across all flavors of SketchUp! 

  • If you would like to temporarily disable your Ruby plugins to see whether a bug you are experiencing is plugin related, perform the following steps: PC: To disable plugins:

  • Summary of issue An issue was discovered with SketchUp 2016 where uninstalling the program resets your default Internet browser. This issue only affected computers using Microsoft Windows that had SketchUp 2016 installed and then uninstalled. Description

  • SketchUp’s context menus offer different options depending on what type of entity you are working with. Knowing what’s available when you context click an entity can help you skip a few clicks and model with better precision. Note: Not all context menu options will be available for every entity of the same type. If an option isn’t available it will usually appear as grayed out. AllThese options appear for almost every entity. 

  • If you need to fix a missing or corrupt SketchUp network license file on your existing server:

  • This error message can occur if your computer appears to be on the network more than once (in other words, it appears on the network under multiple IP addresses). The most common cause of this is that your computer has both a wired and wireless local area connection. It's easy to check whether this is the case and, if it is, to correct it:

  • This message will appear when the total instances of SketchUp Pro running is more than the total number of seats available for the license. Let's say, for example, you have a three-seat network license and three instances of SketchUp Pro are running. This message will appear when someone tries to launch a fourth instance of SketchUp Pro. To purchase additional network seats please visit our online store.

  • To find your SketchUp Pro license serial number, please do the following based on your operating system. Windows

  • The Quick Answer Check that your account or computer has administrative permissions. Make sure your license matches your version of SketchUp. Situation: After you enter your SketchUp Pro license information and click "OK" (PC) or "Add" (Mac), the license dialog box closes and immediately reopens. There are three main causes for this looping behavior:

  • Click the link appropriate to your operating system to download one of the older, supported versions of SketchUp: